Interim 第九条 性骚扰政策

来源: U.S. 教育部 第九条 Final Rule 概述 – Guiding Principles

本政策旨在解决属于教育第九条范围内的行为 Amendments of 1972 and other federal and state laws and regulations. 本政策涉及 misconduct occurring on or after August 14, 2020.

Historic Recognition of Sexual Harassment as Sex Discrimination

美国.S. 教育部 第九条 regulations recognize that 性骚扰, including sexual assault, is unlawful sex discrimination. 美国.S. 教育部 previously addressed 性骚扰 only through guidance documents, which are not legally binding and do not have the force and effect of law. 美国.S. 部门 of Education’s regulations impose important legal obligations on school districts, 大专院校(统称“学校”),要求及时响应 reports of 性骚扰. 最终规则 improves the clarity and transparency of the requirements for how schools must respond to 性骚扰 under Title IX so that every complainant receives appropriate support, respondents are treated 作为责任人,只有在接受了正当程序和基本公平之后,才会和学校一样 officials serve impartially without bias for or against any party.

支持国家 & Respecting 信访人提出的’ Autonomy

学校必须为每一个被指控性骚扰的受害者提供免费的支持措施 (称为“投诉”). Supportive measures are individualized services to restore 或维护平等的受教育机会,保护学生和员工的安全,或阻止 性骚扰. Supportive measures must be offered even if a complainant does not wish to initiate or participate in a grievance process. Every situation is unique, and individuals react to 性骚扰 differently. 因此,最终规则 让投诉人控制学校层面的回应,以最切合他们的需要. 它尊重投诉者的意愿和自主权,给予他们明确的选择来提出申诉 a formal complaint, separate from the right to supportive measures. 最终规则 还为投诉人提供公平公正的申诉程序,并提供保护 投诉人不受胁迫或威胁而参与申诉程序.

不歧视, Free Speech, and Due Process

《韦德1946网站》反映了美国在性别基础上平等对待的核心价值观, free speech and academic freedom, due process of law, and fundamental fairness. 学校 must operate free from sex discrimination, including 性骚扰. 信访人提出的 而被访者必须在可预见、透明的情况下拥有强大、明确的程序性权利 grievance process designed to reach reliable outcomes. 最终规则 ensures that schools do not violate First Amendment rights when complying with 第九条.

Response to Sexual Harassment

根据最终规则,下列任何基于性别的行为构成 性骚扰:

  1. 学校职员:学校职员以个人的参与为条件提供教育利益或服务 in unwelcome sexual conduct (often called “quid pro quo” 骚扰);
  2. 不受欢迎的行为被一个通情达理的人认定为如此严重、普遍和 客观上是冒犯的,因为它实际上剥夺了一个人平等使用学校的 education program or activity; or
  3. 性侵犯,约会暴力,家庭暴力,或跟踪(这些罪行) are defined in the Clery Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1092(f), and the Violence Against Women 法案,34 U.S.C. § 12291(a)).

与U一致.S. Supreme Court precedent and the text of 第九条, a school must respond when: (1) the school has actual knowledge of 性骚扰; (2) that occurred within the school’s education program or activity; (3) against a person in the United 州. 最终规则 expands “actual knowledge” to include notice to any elementary or secondary school employee, and states that any person (e.g.,据称受害人 或任何第三方)可亲自或通过电子邮件、电话、 或邮件. 最终规则 also specifies that a school’s “education program or activity” includes situations over which the school exercised substantial control, and also buildings owned or controlled by student organizations officially recognized by a 高等教育机构.

与U一致.S. Supreme Court precedent, a school violates 第九条 when its 根据已知的情况,对性骚扰的反应显然是不合理的, 最终规则增加了提供支持等强制性回应义务 measures to every complainant, with or without a formal complaint.

学校必须调查每一个正式投诉(可能由投诉人提出) or by a school’s 第九条 Coordinator). If the alleged conduct does not fall under 第九条,那么学校可以根据学校自己的准则来处理这些指控 conduct and provide supportive measures.


最终规则要求学校调查和裁决正式的投诉 性骚扰的申诉程序包含正当程序原则, treats all parties fairly, and reaches reliable responsibility determinations. 一个学校的 申诉程序必须:

  1. 对指控给予双方书面通知,给予双方平等的选择机会 一方选择的顾问(可以是律师,但不一定是律师); 在整个调查过程中有平等的机会提交和审查证据;
  2. 使用训练有素的第九条人员客观地评估所有相关证据 prejudgment of the facts at issue and free from conflicts of interest or bias for 或反对任何一方;
  3. 在使用当事人的书面同意之前,保护当事人的隐私 medical, psychological, or similar treatment records during a grievance process;
  4. Obtain the parties’ voluntary, written consent before using any kind of “informal “解决”程序,如调解或恢复性司法,而不是使用非正式的 process where an employee allegedly sexually harassed a student;
  5. 假定被投诉人在申诉过程中不负责任 (通常称为“无罪推定”),使学校承担了负担 proof and the standard of evidence is applied correctly;
  6. Use either the preponderance of the evidence standard or the clear and convincing 证据标准(对学生的正式投诉使用相同的标准) as for formal complaints against employees);
  7. Ensure the decision-maker is not the same person as the investigator or the Title 九、协调员(一).e., no “single investigator models”);
  8. 对于高等教育机构,举行现场听证会并允许交叉询问 party advisors(never by the parties personally); K-12 schools do not need to hold 开庭审理,但当事人可以向对方当事人和证人提出书面质询 回答;
  9. 保护所有的投诉人不被不恰当地询问以前的性史 (“rape shield” protections);
  10. Send both parties a written determination regarding responsibility explaining how and why the decision maker reached conclusions;
  11. 如果被投诉人被认定负有责任,有效地为投诉人实施补救措施 性骚扰;
  12. Offer both parties an equal opportunity to appeal;
  13. 保护任何个人,包括投诉人、被告和证人,免遭报复 举报性骚扰或参与(或拒绝参与)任何性骚扰 第九条 grievance process;
  14. 在学校的网站上公开所有用于培训第九条人员的材料 网站,或者,如果学校没有网站,提供这些材料 upon request for inspection by members of the public; and
  15. Document and keep records of all 性骚扰 reports and investigations.

Sex Discrimination Regulations

涉及到一般的性别歧视,而不仅仅是性骚扰,最后 规定:

  1. 确认联合国.S. 教育部 may require schools to take remedial action for discriminating on the basis of sex or otherwise violating the U.S. 部门 of Education’s 第九条 regulations;
  2. 明确声明,作为对根据第九条提出的任何性别歧视主张的回应, 学校从来没有被要求剥夺个人根据 U.S. 宪法;
  3. Account for the interplay of 第九条, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 以及家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA),以及法律权利 父母或监护人代表个人行使权利的权利 第九条 rights; and
  4. 更新学校指定和确定第九条协调员的要求; 传播他们的不歧视政策和第九条协调员的联系方式 确保有无障碍渠道举报性别歧视的资料(包括 性骚扰), and notify students, employees, parents, and others of how the 学校将对性别歧视(包括性别歧视)的报告和投诉作出回应 骚扰).

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